from typing import List, Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from feature_engine.dataframe_checks import (
from feature_engine.validation import _return_tags
from feature_engine.variable_manipulation import _find_or_check_numerical_variables
[docs]class CombineWithReferenceFeature(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
CombineWithReferenceFeature() applies basic mathematical operations between a group
of variables and one or more reference features. It adds one or more additional
features to the dataframe with the result of the operations.
In other words, CombineWithReferenceFeature() sums, multiplies, subtracts or
divides a group of features to / by a group of reference variables, and returns the
result as new variables in the dataframe.
For example, if we have the variables **number_payments_first_quarter**,
**number_payments_second_quarter**, **number_payments_third_quarter**,
**number_payments_fourth_quarter**, and **total_payments**, we can use
CombineWithReferenceFeature() to determine the percentage of payments per
quarter as follows:
.. code-block:: python
transformer = CombineWithReferenceFeature(
Xt = transformer.fit_transform(X)
The transformed X, Xt, will contain the additional features indicated in the
new_variables_name list plus the original set of variables.
variables_to_combine: list
The list of numerical variables to be combined with the reference
reference_variables: list
The list of numerical reference variables that will be added to, multiplied
with, or subtracted from the variables_to_combine, or used as denominator for
operations: list, default=['sub']
The list of basic mathematical operations to be used in transformation.
If None, all of ['sub', 'div','add','mul'] will be performed. Alternatively,
you can enter a list of operations to carry out. Each operation should
be a string and must be one of the elements in `['sub', 'div','add', 'mul']`.
Each operation will result in a new variable that will be added to the
transformed dataset.
new_variables_names: list, default=None
Names of the newly created variables. You can enter a list with the names for
the newly created features (recommended). You must enter as many names as new
features created by the transformer. The number of new features is the number
of operations times the number of reference variables times the number of
variables to combine.
Thus, if you want to perform 2 operations, sub and div, combining 4 variables
with 2 reference variables, you should enter 2 X 4 X 2 new variable names.
The name of the variables indicated by the user should coincide with the order
in which the operations are performed by the transformer. The transformer will
first carry out 'sub', then 'div', then 'add' and finally 'mul'.
If new_variable_names is None, the transformer will assign an arbitrary name
to the newly created features.
missing_values: string, default='ignore'
Indicates if missing values should be ignored or raised. If 'ignore', the
transformer will ignore missing data when transforming the data. If 'raise' the
transformer will return an error if the training or the datasets to transform
contain missing values.
The number of features in the train set used in fit.
This transformer does not learn parameters.
Combine the variables with the mathematical operations.
Fit to the data, then transform it.
Although the transformer in essence allows us to combine any feature with any of
the allowed mathematical operations, its used is intended mostly for the creation
of new features based on some domain knowledge. Typical examples within the
financial sector are:
- Ratio between income and debt to create the debt_to_income_ratio.
- Subtraction of rent from income to obtain the disposable_income.
def __init__(
variables_to_combine: List[Union[str, int]],
reference_variables: List[Union[str, int]],
operations: List[str] = ["sub"],
new_variables_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
missing_values: str = "ignore",
) -> None:
# check input types
if not isinstance(reference_variables, list) or not all(
isinstance(var, (int, str)) for var in reference_variables
raise ValueError(
"reference_variables takes a list of strings or integers "
"corresponding to the names of the variables to be used as "
"reference to combine with the binary operations."
if not isinstance(variables_to_combine, list) or not all(
isinstance(var, (int, str)) for var in variables_to_combine
raise ValueError(
"variables_to_combine takes a list of strings or integers "
"corresponding to the names of the variables to combine "
"with the binary operations."
if new_variables_names:
if not isinstance(new_variables_names, list) or not all(
isinstance(var, str) for var in new_variables_names
raise ValueError(
"new_variable_names should be None or a list with the "
"names to be assigned to the new variables created by"
"the mathematical combinations."
if operations:
if not isinstance(operations, list):
raise ValueError("operations parameter must be a list or None")
if any(
operation not in ["sub", "div", "add", "mul"]
for operation in operations
raise ValueError(
"At least one of the entered operations is not supported. "
"Choose one or more of ['sub', 'div','add','mul']"
if new_variables_names:
if len(new_variables_names) != (
len(reference_variables) * len(variables_to_combine) * len(operations)
raise ValueError(
"Number of items in new_variables_names must be equal to number of "
"items in reference_variables * items in variables to "
"combine * binary operations. In other words, "
"the transformer needs as many new variable names as reference "
"variables and binary operations to perform over the variables to "
if missing_values not in ["raise", "ignore"]:
raise ValueError("missing_values takes only values 'raise' or 'ignore'")
self.reference_variables = reference_variables
self.variables_to_combine = variables_to_combine
self.new_variables_names = new_variables_names
self.operations = operations
self.missing_values = missing_values
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: Optional[pd.Series] = None):
This transformer does not learn any parameter. Performs dataframe checks.
X: pandas dataframe of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
The training input samples. Can be the entire dataframe, not just the
variables to transform.
y: pandas Series, or np.array. Default=None.
It is not needed in this transformer. You can pass y or None.
- If the input is not a Pandas DataFrame
- If any user provided variables are not numerical
If any of the reference variables contain null values and the
mathematical operation is 'div'.
# check input dataframe
X = _is_dataframe(X)
# check variables to combine are numerical
self.variables_to_combine = _find_or_check_numerical_variables(
X, self.variables_to_combine
# check reference_variables are numerical
self.reference_variables = _find_or_check_numerical_variables(
X, self.reference_variables
# check if dataset contains na
if self.missing_values == "raise":
_check_contains_na(X, self.reference_variables)
_check_contains_na(X, self.variables_to_combine)
_check_contains_inf(X, self.reference_variables)
_check_contains_inf(X, self.variables_to_combine)
# cannot divide by 0, as will result in error
if "div" in self.operations:
if X[self.reference_variables].isin([0]).any().any():
raise ValueError(
"Some of the reference variables contain 0 as values. Check and "
"remove those before using this transformer with div."
self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1]
return self
def _more_tags(self):
tags_dict = _return_tags()
# add additional test that fails
tags_dict["_xfail_checks"]["check_estimators_nan_inf"] = "transformer allows NA"
] = "transformer has 1 mandatory parameter"
msg = "this transformer works with datasets that contain at least 2 variables. \
Otherwise, there is nothing to combine"
tags_dict["_xfail_checks"]["check_fit2d_1feature"] = msg
return tags_dict