Consumer Guide

Do you want to use the feature engineering pipeline developed by a Ballet project team? This guide is for you. It addresses how to install an existing Ballet project for further use, how to use the project’s API to engineer features, and how to incorporate a project into a larger ML pipeline.

As a Ballet project repository fills with features, its feature engineering pipeline is always available to engineer features from new data points or datasets. Given the feature testing instituted in the CI/CD for a Ballet project, the latest commit is sure to extract high quality features for your raw data.

Install a project

Install a project directly from GitHub with pip using PEP 508 specifiers:

$ pip install 'ballet_predict_house_prices @ git+'

The project name (before the @) will be different for each project and is shown in the name key of You can substitute master to a specific git revision like a commit SHA or tag name if you want to install a specific version of the Ballet project. And if the given project actually makes releases to an index like PyPI, you should follow the project’s own documentation for how to install.

Next confirm that your install was successful:

$ python -m ballet_predict_house_prices --help
Usage: python -m ballet_predict_house_prices [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  engineer-features  Engineer features

Engineer features

Each project exposes two ways to engineer features, using a command line tool (simplest) or using the project as a library (most flexible).

Using the command line

$ python -m myproject engineer-features path/to/test/data path/to/features/output

This will read input data from the given directory, detecting the appropriate entities and targets data files according to the project’s configuration. It will load the default development dataset to fit the feature engineering pipeline and target encoder. Using those learned parameters, it will then engineer features on the test dataset and encode the test dataset target. The resulting objects (usually of type np.ndarray) will be saved to the given output directory as features.pkl and target.pkl.

You can also pass the option --train-dir path/to/train/data to specify a different training dataset.

For full details, run:

$ python -m myproject engineer-features --help

Using the library

Import the project’s API:

from myproject.api import api

The API object is an instance of FeatureEngineeringProject, providing easy access to the data loading method, feature engineering pipeline, and other functionality implemented by the given Ballet project.

Load the training dataset and a test dataset:

X_df_tr, y_df_tr = api.load_data()
X_df_te, y_df_te = api.load_data(input_dir='path/to/test/data')

Fit the feature engineering pipeline:

result = api.engineer_features(X_df_tr, y_df_tr)
pipeline, encoder = result.pipeline, result.encoder

The engineer_features method encapsulates fitting the feature engineering pipeline and target encoder on the given dataset, and also engineering features and encoding the target of the given dataset. The result is an instance of EngineerFeaturesResult.

Engineer features on the test dataset:

X_te = pipeline.transform(X_df_te)

Encode targets of the test dataset:

y_te = encoder.transform(y_df_te)

You can now use these X and y as inputs to your own ML modeling efforts.

To engineer features as a dataframe rather than an array, manually provide a row and column index for the feature matrix:

X = pd.DataFrame(

Build an ML pipeline

Ballet integrates with the MLBlocks library from the MLBazaar framework. This library supports creating MLPipeline objects that are generalizations of typical supervised learning pipelines. Typical pipelines from libraries like scikit-learn compose a sequence of transformers and estimators that implement a fit/transform interface. Pipelines from MLBlocks allow arbitrary dataflow between pipeline steps using a shared-memory “context” and support loading “ML primitives” (re-usable ML components from many different libraries) from public catalogs into pipeline steps.

Ballet offers two different ML primitives which can be used in ML pipelines:

Ballet offers two ML pipelines which can be used to make predictions from raw data using Ballet together with an off-the shelf estimator (a random forest regressor or classifier).


To install MLBlocks, see here or just run pip install mlblocks. MLBlocks is the only required dependency to loading the ML primitives or creating your own MLPipeline.

If you want to use the pre-defined ballet_rf_classifier and ballet_rf_regressor pipelines, they both use a random forest primitive that is defined in the MLPrimitives catalog. There are two options to be able to use these pre-defined pipelines.

  1. You can install MLPrimitives directly, but beware that this will install all dependencies for all primitives in that catalog, including heavyweight dependencies like TensorFlow.

  2. You can “install” just the necessary primitives by downloading the primitive annotation to a local catalog:

    $ mkdir -p ./mlprimitives
    $ curl -O
    $ curl -O

ML pipeline usage

In this example, we use the project’s API to load data and then fit an ML pipeline. Under the hood, the ML pipeline is using the two ML primitives that Ballet provides to engineer features from the raw data and encode the target.

from myproject.api import api
from mlblocks import MLPipeline, load_pipeline

X_df, y_df = api.load_data()
X_df_te, y_df_te = api.load_data(input_dir='path/to/test/data')

pipeline = MLPipeline(load_pipeline('ballet_rf_classifier')), y_df)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_df)

y_pred_te = pipeline.predict(X_df_te)

Ballet project detection

Ballet needs to be able to detect the Ballet project we are working with in order to access it’s API. In most cases, this is done automatically, as Ballet ascends the file system from the current working directory looking for a project root. In other cases, you may need to specify the details of the project manually.

The same principles apply when using an MLPipeline. If Ballet cannot automatically detect the project, you have to help it out. You can do this by either specifying the name of the package or the path to the project. If you have downloaded the project using pip install as above, then the name of the package is a better approach because you shouldn’t need to care where pip has copied source files.

You have to specify init_params of both ML primitives:

pipeline = MLPipeline(
       'ballet.engineer_features#1': {
           'package_slug': 'myproject',
       'ballet.encode_target#1': {
           'package_slug': 'myproject',

See the documentation of the adapter functions for more details: make_engineer_features() and make_encode_target().

Primitive and pipeline discovery

If you install a Ballet project, Ballet is installed as a dependency. Ballet exposes its ML primitives and ML pipelines using entry points so they are automatically discoverable by MLBlocks and can be loaded with load_pipeline and load_primitive.

You can also list all of the Ballet primitives and pipelines:

from mlblocks import find_primitives, find_pipelines